News / Blog

ESSER Funds for Schools: Another Lifeline for the 2022 School Year

ESSER Funds for Schools: Another Lifeline for the 2022 School Year

The immediate dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic may be on the wane, but we will be dealing with its aftermath for years to come. This is especially true for K-12 educators who are trying everything in their power to narrow the massive learning loss gap that has occurred as a direct result of schools being forced to close their doors and pivot to a remote learning model during the worst of the pandemic. The majority of elementary, middle and high schools in the nation sent students home f …
Sep 21, 2022
Making the Most of Your 2022-2023 School Budget

Making the Most of Your 2022-2023 School Budget

One of the few silver linings that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic was the increased government funding for K-12 schools thanks to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Established as part of the Education Stabilization Fund in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the ESSER Fund allows state educational agencies, or SEAs, to apply for and award subgrants to local educational agencies, or LEAs, to help lessen the negative impact that …
Sep 20, 2022