News / Blog

NEWS: Encore Attended ISTE Conference in Denver to Unveil New Classroom Headphones

NEWS: Encore Attended ISTE Conference in Denver to Unveil New Classroom Headphones

Encore Data Products has announced the launch of their latest offering aimed at schools and educational environments. This new lineup includes a variety of classroom headphones and wholesale earbuds in bulk. The goal is to provide consistent and reliable audio tools to schools and educational institutions across the country. The new products are designed to meet the diverse audio needs of today's learning environments. The classroom headphones are made with durable materials and comfort …
Jul 11, 2024
Avoid Costly Repairs by Choosing Quality Headphones for Your K-12 Classroom

Avoid Costly Repairs by Choosing Quality Headphones for Your K-12 Classroom

While they may seem like a small accessory compared with some of the other technology equipment in your classroom, headphones are a big part of your students’ overall learning experience. Unfortunately, the combination of curious minds and busy little fingers can sometimes spell disaster for a class set of headphones. If you’re a K-12 teacher who’s fed up with having to replace your classroom headphones at the start of every school year, this article is for you! Today, we’ll explore how …
Jan 26, 2024
Affordable School Headphone Solutions For Every Teaching Budget

Affordable School Headphone Solutions For Every Teaching Budget

As technology continues to play an increasing role in the classroom, providing students with access to quality headphones has become essential. However, we understand that budget constraints can make this seem like a daunting task for K-12 teachers and administrators. In this article, we'll explore some practical and creative ways for teachers to ensure that every student has access to this essential learning tool without breaking the bank. Try these ideas and let us know how they worked out! …
Nov 17, 2023
Can Disposable Headphones Be Recycled?

Can Disposable Headphones Be Recycled?

Are you intrigued by the convenience and cleanliness of a sanitary, disposable option for your students’ headphone use but also worried about keeping your carbon footprint small? If this describes your feelings about purchasing disposable bulk headphones, headsets or earbuds for your classroom, we’ve got good news for you—disposable headphones can actually be recycled! In this blog post, we'll explore how to properly recycle your disposable headphones and give them a new life. From elec …
Nov 17, 2023
Why disposable headphones can be the best choice for your library patrons

Why disposable headphones can be the best choice for your library patrons

School is back in session and libraries are buzzing with activity. As a library worker, you want to provide your visitors with the best experience possible. One essential item that can greatly enhance their time at the library is a reliable pair of headphones. Not only are headphones a key part of the library experience for those who wish to work on computers, watch videos or listen to audiobooks, but they also play a critical role in keeping the building quiet and free from distractions for …
Sep 27, 2023
It's Back-to-School time! Why Should You Buy Bulk Headphones Now?

It's Back-to-School time! Why Should You Buy Bulk Headphones Now?

Summer vacation is nearly over and teachers shift toward getting prepared for the upcoming school year. What if we told you that there's an easy and affordable way to be ed tech ready? By purchasing wholesale earbuds in bulk, you can not only save money but also be ready for the school year ahead. In this article, we'll explore why buying bulk headphones is a smart move for any K-12 teacher looking to optimize their classroom experience. From choosing from a wide variety of available …
Aug 09, 2023
How Tutoring Companies are Bridging the Learning Loss Gap

How Tutoring Companies are Bridging the Learning Loss Gap

Over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of K-12 students still have yet to get back on track. The disruption that was caused by the need to pivot to remote learning is still being felt by teachers as they try to address the disparity between where students are versus where they should be on their educational path. According to a May 2022 study conducted by Harvard using testing data from 2.1 million students across 49 states plus Washington, D.C., remote instruction was found t …
Jul 28, 2022
Addressing Post-Pandemic Learning Loss With Summer Programming

Addressing Post-Pandemic Learning Loss With Summer Programming

Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools across the United States to close their doors and pivot to an online learning platform for months on end, numerous elementary, middle and high school students are still feeling the after-effects. The necessity of switching to remote learning in an effort to protect students and teachers from contracting the novel coronavirus ended up having a significant, devastating impact on learning, with many students falling far behind grade level expe …
Jul 05, 2022