News / Blog

Affordable School Headphone Solutions For Every Teaching Budget

Affordable School Headphone Solutions For Every Teaching Budget

As technology continues to play an increasing role in the classroom, providing students with access to quality headphones has become essential. However, we understand that budget constraints can make this seem like a daunting task for K-12 teachers and administrators. In this article, we'll explore some practical and creative ways for teachers to ensure that every student has access to this essential learning tool without breaking the bank. Try these ideas and let us know how they worked out! …
Nov 17, 2023
Back to School Edtech Purchases to Leverage Shelf Life

Back to School Edtech Purchases to Leverage Shelf Life

As the new school year comes marching in, it's time to start thinking about next year's classroom needs. And what better time to leverage back-to-school sales than now? Investing in educational technology equipment can be expensive, but by taking advantage of these deals and discounts, you can equip your K-12 classroom with the latest tools for a fraction of the cost. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips on how to make the most out of back-to-school education technology purchases …
Aug 02, 2023